Les autorités pénitentiaires « se lâchent » sur Léonard Peltier et tous les prisonniers fédéraux.
Message du LPDC

Les autorités pénitentiaires « se lâchent » sur Léonard Peltier et tous les prisonniers fédéraux.
Le pénitencier fédéral de Leavenworth interdit aux médias d’interviewer Léonard Peltier. Depuis la semaine dernière, toutes les demandes d’interview des chaînes de média et des journalistes ont été rejetées. Les autorités pénitentiaires disent qu’elles facilitent trop de visite de la presse et que leur personnel n’est pas en mesure de gérer ce volume. Cependant Léonard Peltier n’a pas donné d’interview depuis plusieurs mois.

Deuxièmement, Léonard Peltier et d’autres prisonniers ont reçu une note cette semaine du B.O.P. (Bureau Fédéral des Prisons) signifiant que les appels téléphoniques des prisonniers fédéraux seront restreints à 300 minutes par mois, soit une moyenne de 10 minutes par jour. Déjà les prisonniers ne peuvent appeler qu’un nombre réduit de personnes qui sont enregistrées sur une liste qui doit être approuvée. Les appels ne peuvent dépasser 15 minutes et il ne peut y avoir plus d’un appel par demi-heuree. Les appels ne pouvant être faits que durant certains moments de la journée. Bien sur le prix payé par les prisonniers est exorbitant.

Les appels téléphoniques et les droits de visite ont été rognées progressivement ces quelques dernières années et vraisemblablement diminueront complètement si le public ne réagit pas.

Nous, au Leonard Peltier Defense Committee trouvons que ces deux développements sont un signe alarmant que les autorités pénitentiaires ont prévu de couper les prisonniers de toute communication avec le public. Cette dangereuse tendance ferait que le personnel serait moins responsable dans les mauvais traitements des prisonniers. De plus cela affecterait profondément les familles des prisonniers et sur les comités de défense des prisonniers politiques dont les voix seraient en grande partie étouffées.


Ecrivez, Téléphonez, faxez à :
Kathleen Hawk Sawyer
BOP Director
320, first St NW
Washington DC 20534
Tel (à partir des E U) : 202-307-3198
Fax (à partir des E U) : 202-514-6878

LETTRE TYPE pour Ms. Sawyer :

Dear Ms. Hawk Sawyer,

I am writing to oppose the upcoming implementation of new phone restrictions for federal prisoners, which limits their phone access to 300 minutes per month. Imprisonment is a harsh enough penalty for those convicted of crimes. Restricting contact with family and friends is simply cruel punishment and will greatly hinder rehabilitation.

Legislation that has established longer prison sentences, the abolishment of federal parole, and the restriction of avenues for redress in the courts, has had devastating affects on millions of family members of the convicted. The existing phone and visitation privileges at least allow prisoners minimal participation in family affairs, as well as a healthy connection to the outside world. Furthermore, the emotional stress the phone restriction is bound to have on prisoners will surely interfere with the orderly conducting of daily prison affairs. Therefore, I strongly urge you not to implement what will be a devastating change.

Furthermore, I have been made aware that prison officials at USP Leavenworth are denying access to all journalists and media networks who wish to interview federal prisoner Leonard Peltier, the Native American activist deemed a political prisoner by Amnesty International. The media has been in to interview Mr. Peltier in the past, and I am fully aware that such visits can be done in accordance with security concerns. A ban on media entering any BOP institution makes me wonder what the institutions might have to hide.

Both of these developments are quite disturbing and signal to the public the BOP's desire to suppress the realities inside federal prisons. I can see no justification for such changes and I respectfully request that both of these matters be addressed accordingly.

Thank you for your time and attention.


Date, Nom, Adresse,

LETTRE TYPE pour Georges W. Bush

Dear Mister President,

I am writing to oppose the BOP's plans to implement new phone restrictions for federal prisoners, which will limit their phone access to 300 minutes per month. Imprisonment is a harsh enough penalty for those convicted of crimes. Restricting contact with family and friends is simply cruel punishment and will greatly hinder rehabilitation.

Legislation that has established longer prison sentences, the abolishment of federal parole, and the restriction of avenues for redress in the courts, has had devastating affects on millions of family members of the convicted.

The existing phone and visitation privileges at least allow prisoners minimal participation in family affairs, as well as a healthy connection to the outside world. Furthermore, the emotional stress the phone restriction is bound to have on prisoners will surely interfere with the orderly conducting of daily prison affairs. Therefore, I strongly urge you to discourage the BOP from implementing what will be a devastating change.

Furthermore, I have been made aware that prison officials at USP Leavenworth are denying access to all journalists and media networks who wish to interview federal prisoner Leonard Peltier, the Native American activist deemed a political prisoner by Amnesty International. The media has been in to interview Mr. Peltier in the past, and I am fully aware that such visits can be done in accordance with security concerns. A ban on media entering any BOP institution makes me wonder what the institutions might have to hide. Please urge the BOP to lift this ban.

Both of these developments are quite disturbing and signal to the public the BOP's desire to suppress the realities inside federal prisons. I can see no justification for such changes and I respectfully request that these matters be addressed accordingly.

Thank you for your time and attention.


Date, Signature, adresse,